Complain Your Way to Success?

I saw a quote while scrolling through social media the other day that hit me hard. 


“You cannot complain yourself into what you want”


Read it again. 


Boy oh boy is that a hard truth. How often do you do that to yourself? How often do you allow yourself to complain about the way things are going instead of working towards a different outcome?


I think a part of it is human nature. It’s the low-hanging fruit that is easy to reach. Something happens that doesn’t quite fit your ideal, so immediately we process that displeasure by complaining. We know that the energy of anger, resentment, fear, and frustration are all very low. By spending time in that low vibration, we encourage more low vibrational energy into our lives, and all of a sudden your whole day is spent complaining instead of being productive! And if you’re anything like me, that makes you feel like complaining even more! It’s a vicious cycle that...

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You Deserve Peace

Do you deserve peace? Happiness? Joy? Love? Financial freedom? Health? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. You absolutely do. Some would even say this is your birthright. You might even be willing to fight for it or support those that do. Do you support the American Military that fights to keep our country free? Do you support groups that encourage more love in our schools like an anti-bullying campaign? Do you support scholarship funds that help people pay for college? I’m sure at one point or another you have supported many causes that encourage these values. Now I ask you again, do you think you’re deserving of the same values? This is a yes or no answer. Not a yes/no BUT... answer. There’s no but’s here. 

One of the hardest parts about being on this journey to your best self is thinking everyone else deserves to get there before you do. Everyone else deserves a little easier go at life than you do. You will support other people the best you can and in...

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Why learn Purely You?

Why is it so important to learn who Purely You is? Why does it even matter? You’re getting by just fine in this life, right? Sure, you may be tired, overwhelmed, and exhausted. You might snap at your kids or your partner once in a while. You might show up to work and give less than your best. But it’s no big deal, everyone does it, right? This is what we call, “adulting.” This is why they say it’s hard.
I’m about to tell you something that you may have never heard before.
Your life doesn’t have to look that way. You don’t have to be overwhelmed and exhausted. You don’t have to be short-tempered and snappy. You don’t have to be mediocre. You just have to learn how to care for yourself and become the best version of yourself that you can be. It starts with setting new boundaries, self-discovery, and a few (or a lot) of changes in your daily routines. It’s not an easy transition, especially if you’ve been living...

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What is Alternative Medicine?

This is one of my favorite things to talk about. Alternative, complementary, integrated, “new age” are all terms for the same collection of practices. Examples of these practices would include acupuncture, massage, herbalism, energy healing, meditation, chiropractic care… yoga and even prayer could be on this list. These are techniques of healing that most students in medical school are not trained in and in most parts of America not accepted as mainstream medicine. That’s where the term “alternative” comes from. Alternative practices are the opposite of allopathic or Western medicine. Western Medicine is not all bad. It has provided many wonderful things to our society and amazing discoveries about the body and how it works.  Also of note, as western medicine evolves practices such as dry needling are being developed. The theory of the practice is not...

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Health vs. Wellness

People use the word healthy to describe a lot of different situations. You have a healthy baby. You eat healthy food. You received a healthy bonus. You have a healthy appetite. You are trying to be healthy. You got a healthy serving of hard work today. You see, healthy is a word that is used in so many different ways, it’s meaning could be endless. The Oxford definition of healthy is “in good health” but what is good health?  

What about the pair, “health and wellness?” If being healthy is being in good health, what does wellness mean? Why are they separated? Isn’t being well the same as being healthy? According to Oxford dictionary wellness is “the state of being in good health” so, in fact, the dictionary says they are the same. Why does our society believe they are two different things then?  

Here’s my take, we see them as two different things. As Western Medicine, or allopathic medicine, is...

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